Get a stalled project (or even a slowly moving one!) going again, in a sustainable, less shame-filled way.

If you have a project that's hanging over your head, that you feel a twinge (or worse!) in your stomach when you think about it, then jumpstart! is for you. No matter where you are in the academic pipeline - from grad student to administrator - we can all use help in shifting what we believe about our work, our schedules, and our self-worth. 

Jumpstart! is four weeks of exercises, with downloads and videos every week - make no mistake, this is a high-powered, high intensity way to dig in to your blocks, and find sustainable ways around them. 

If you want a preview of what jumpstart! is like - check out the Thrive PhD webinar, Constructive Clarity: Evaluation without shame! This is sort of like the pre-lesson to the content of the course - and it's free!  

“Cost-effective! Supportive on good days and not-so-good days!”
a Thrive PhD participant

Jumpstart! is for you if:

  • You want to feel less shame and guilt about a stalled project.
  • You're ready to make real progress, and sustain it. 
  • You're ready to do the work and make changes. 
  • You like things that are high-energy, cost-effective, and supportive. 

Who is Katy Peplin, PhD? What is Thrive PhD?

Katy Peplin, PhD received her PhD in Media Studies from the University of Michigan in 2016, and worked extensively with the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, supporting instructors and advancing pedagogy-focused course design. She runs a coaching business, Katy Peplin Coaching where she works with all kinds of graduate students one-on-one to help them move forward sustainably, and on their own terms.

Seeing a need in the market for lower-cost offerings, she launched Thrive PhD in March 2018, offering accountability and curriculum for graduate students around the world. Jumpstart! is a natural evolution from that model - self-directed, low-cost help for all academics on their timetables. 

Katy's hair color is subject to change, and make sure to ask about her cats! 

Now's the time to jump!

Jumpstart! - Enroll now

  • 4 weeks of lessons
  • Loads of worksheets, videos, and homework prompts to keep you focused and moving forward
  • Self directed - work at your own pace
  • Never lose access - return again and again to the lessons you need, when you need them

Enroll now!

Can't wait to meet you!
May your poms be focused and your done=list long!